820-090-C010 PDS ATC Spindle
$9,576.00820-090-C010 PDS ATC spindle motor, DynaLOC series, DLC 90, HSK 40F, air-cooled, 7.5 hp / 5.6 kW, 220 V / 380 V.
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Shop now for HSK 40F spindle motors in our online CNC router parts store. Many more brands, types and sizes of spindle motors can be ordered by telephone. Contact our CNC router parts sales team to order spindle motors and spare replacement parts.
820-090-C010 PDS ATC spindle motor, DynaLOC series, DLC 90, HSK 40F, air-cooled, 7.5 hp / 5.6 kW, 220 V / 380 V.
820-090-S011 PDS ATC spindle motor, DynaLOC™ series, DLS 90, HSK 40F, electric fan-cooled, 7.5 hp / 5.6 kW, 220 V / 380 V.
820-090-S012 PDS ATC spindle motor, DynaLOC™ series, DLS 90, HSK 40F, fan-cooled, 7.5 hp / 5.6 kW, 220 V / 380 V.
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