Fan Cool Your Cabinet – Protect Your Controller and VFD
Minimize down time by repairing, replacing, or investing in a cooling fan for your router. We can assist in the specification of the right fan for you.
Many CNC router controllers have clogged, non-working, or unfiltered cooling fans. Some are missing fans altogether. A properly working, filtered cooling fan will protect your expensive electronic components. If you have an axial fan mounted on the side of your cabinet, we highly recommend replacing it with a pressurizing fan. The non-filtered version can push debris into your cabinet, whereas the filtered version may not provide adequate cfm.
Need immediate support?
Call our San Diego office direct at (858) 922-4967.
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Filtered Blowers Available
Minimize down time by repairing, replacing, or investing in a cooling fan for your router. CNC Parts Dept can assist in the specification of the right fan for you. Prices range from $130 to $578.