DC servo motor repairs are available on-site at our San Diego facility. Our CNC router service technicians offer DC servo motor repairs for your Baldor, Glentek GM, and Glentek GMR DC brush servo motors.

DC Servo Motor Repairs
Repairing your DC servo motor can be a quicker and more cost-effective solution than buying a new one, especially in light of the current worldwide shortage of materials that’s causing long lead times for replacements.
Most Baldor and Glentek servo motor repairs can be done within just a few days of receipt of the servo motor here in our shop. This is another cost effective solution to keep our customers up and running. Servo motor repair service is one of the many CNC router services we offer to our customers.
To schedule your DC servo motor repair, call our CNC parts sales team at (858) 922-4967 or send us a service request below.